Tomek H.

About me

Hi, my name is Tomek.

I am a 4th year Electronics and Computer Science student at The University of Edinburgh. I come from Poland but most of the time I am in Edinburgh, Scotland. Currently I am working as a Software Development Engineer intern at Amazon. A few times per week, I also lead lab and tutorial sessions in courses such as Foundations of Data Science or Object Oriented Programming for younger students at my school.

My main scientific interests include natural language processing, speech recognition and digital signal processing.

In my free time, I play electric and acoustic guitar. Sometimes I post some music I play on my YouTube channel. I'm a big fan of racing of all sorts, but Formula 1 in particular. I like running long distances (10km+) and playing football occasionally.

If you are interested in working with me, or just want to ask some questions, please get in touch using my contact info.



The University of Edinburgh

[September 2017 - June 2022 (in progress)]

MEng Electronics and Computer Science

Copernicus Bilingual High School in Warsaw

[September 2014 - May 2017]

Higher level: Mathematics, Physics, English

Relevant courses

Electronics: Digital System Design, Signals and Communication Systems, Microelectronics, Engineering Software

Computer Science: Computer Systems, Software Testing, Applied Machine Learning, Computer Security, Algorithms and Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming


Amazon Development Center Poland

[June 2020 - December 2020]

Software Development Engineer Intern

Alexa AI - Natural Understanding Team

GdaƄsk, Poland

The University of Edinburgh

[September 2019 - January 2021]

Tutor / Lab Demonstrator

OOP, Computer Systems, Foundations of Data Science

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Citibank Europe

[July 2019 - September 2019]

IT and Data Analysis Intern

TTS Flexcube Team

Warsaw, Poland

Lionbridge Poland

[August 2018 - September 2018]

Software QA Tester

Testing Microsoft products

Warsaw, Poland

Technical skills

Languages: Java, Kotlin, Python, C, Matlab, JavaScript

Frameworks: ReactJS, Spring Boot

Tools: Apache Maven, Git, IntelliJ, VS Code, Eclipse

Libraries: numpy, SciPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, nltk



LinkedIn: tomek-horszczaruk